Monday 6 June 2011

VCILT recieves the visit of Prof Meller from OU UK as External Examiner

You are all invited to the talk of Prof Weller on Digital Scholarship.

New technologies are potentially changing all aspects of scholarly practice, including teaching, research and public engagement. This talk will look at the nature of digital scholarship, some examples of changing practice and the issues it raises for academics in all disciplines.

Martin Weller is Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University in the UK. He chaired the OU's first major elearning course with over 12,000 students, and was the director of the VLE project. His research interests are in open education, the impact of new technology and digital scholarship. He blogs at

Venue: G4 NAC Building
Time: Friday 10th June at 10 am


  1. Digital scholarship mainly comprise of someone using the internet to publish its works thus allowing him to become its own publisher and distributor. According to me digital scholarship allows a wider range of audience to read an comment on the articles thus making the author known. Moreover the author will have direct interaction with it audience thus allowing him to rethink on his ideas and improve it. These are publish mainly on blogs, e-book publishing and nowerdays even facebook.

  2. This article give a brief and well detailed view of the benefits and ways digital library promote the works of academic persons.For my own opinion the digital library is considered to be a needy technological program targeted to help undergraduate students to learn effectively their module on Educational Technology.It provides the ability of exposing the academic works of merit and hardworking students.In addition,the students and tutors will feel more motivated and show more incentives to work more as their work are exposed and appreciated at its right value among other conscious persons.

  3. Martin Weller is a Professor of Educational Technology at the Open University in the UK. And his interests are mainly VLE, LMS, open source, educational technology, e-learning…
    There are different interpretations as to what constitutes ‘scholarship’ and different methods for representing it. Before we consider definitions of digital scholarship, we should look at concepts of scholarship which they build upon. Unsworth (2000) suggested seven ‘scholarly primitives’. His work was focused around humanities, but he argues that primitives refer to some basic functions common to scholarly activity across disciplines, over time, and independent of theoretical orientation … These primitives are the irreducible currency of scholarship, so it should, in principal, be possible to exchange them across all manner of boundaries of type or token. (Unsworth 2000)
    His list of primitives is as follows:
    Discovering – knowledge either through archives or research;
    Annotating – adding layers of interpretation;
    Comparing – for example, texts across languages, data sets;
    Referring – referencing and acknowledging;
    Sampling – selecting appropriate samples;
    Illustrating – clarifying, elucidating, explaining; and
    Representing – publishing or communicating.
    The Digital Scholar serves as a resource for independent scholars, academics, and other thought leaders who want to take advantage of these new publishing technologies:
    -e-Book Publishing
    -Independent Publishing
    -Research Resources
    -On Digital Scholarship
    -Digital Scholars

  4. Digital Scholarship can be defined as "changes in academic practices as a result of new technology." New digital and web-based technologies are rapidly and radically changing. With the digitisation of learning and teaching, academic resources are easily accessible and shareable world wide.
    Professor Martin Weller just authored a book namely "The Digital Scholar:How Technology is Transforming Academic Practice" where he gives a birdview of the changes taking place in the practices of academics, its implication for higher education and the possibilities to adopt to new ways of learning and teaching.

  5. Digital Scholarship also known as e-Science or e-Research refers to someone using internet as a platform to publish his or her research, views, works which provides the means by which collections of research are built, managed, preserved, disseminated and used with advanced information technologies. Thus, making the person the publisher or distributor.

    As mentioned by Prof Martin Weller, his research interests in open education. According to me, digital scholarship is essential in developing the Open University’s identity as a digital university. Digital and internet technologies have a significant impact on all aspects of scholarship.

    Digital scholarship allows engaging academics in wider debates, research existing practice both within and outside university, and investigates the changing nature of scholarly practice. Also, it allows developing knowledge base on student practices.

    Scholars working within universities are already interacting with new technologies and adopting new tools into their working practices (e.g. Twitter, Instant Messaging, blogs). Moreover, the author will have direct interactions with other subscribers on the blog and thus exchanging of ideas is made possible and the author gets to review his idea and make improvement if needed.

  6. Well, I strongly agree that with globalization taking place, new technologies should be developed. So we should learn from experts in this field as their help will aid us in understanding the importance of applying new technologies in the education system. Their work shows us a way to success and as well motivates us as students that nothing is impossible.

  7. Well, I strongly agree that with globalization taking place, new technologies should be developed. So we should learn from experts in this field as their help will aid us in understanding the importance of applying new technologies in the education system. Their work shows us a way to success and as well motivates us as students that nothing is impossible.

  8. Well, I strongly agree that with globalization taking place, new technologies should be developed. So we should learn from experts in this field as their help will aid us in understanding the importance of applying new technologies in the education system. Their work shows us a way to success and as well motivates us as students that nothing is impossible.

  9. Well, I strongly agree that with globalization taking place, new technologies should be developed. So we should learn from experts in this field as their help will aid us in understanding the importance of applying new technologies in the education system. Their work shows us a way to success and as well motivates us as students that nothing is impossible.

  10. Digital scholarship consists mainly of somebody using the web to publish his works and thus becoming his own publisher and distributor. Digital scholarship allows a very large range of people to read and comment on the articles thus making the authors well-known. Furthermore the author will have direct interaction with the readers, so he can have feedback on the articles. Depending on the feedback the authors can reconsider or alter there ideas. the most common examples are blogs and e-books.

  11. trivartsingh ramjeawon29 October 2011 at 00:13

    I find that Digital Scholarship is a benefit because it is more immediate, more interactive, more accessible and less ephemeral than traditional publishing. It is also expensive. Lecturers and university staff can use the blog post to share educational tools such as notes, and readers can read the post and respond to them nearly instantaneously, providing feedback on materials and can offer different views. With traditional publishing as in our recent toll s we are still using the process of receiving data and information is much more arduous.

  12. Reply to keshav:
    I completely believe with the fact that digital scholarship is essential in developing the open univrsity's identity as a digital university. It will be interactive as students can share the works and respond without delay to give one's view on the subjects.

  13. Introducing digital scholarship may overcome many difficulties that students come across. And also it is much better than hardcopies. Works can be shared without any delay, it is a rapid use. Students can give their point of views or ask a friend about something they may have missed and the respond will be inspontaneous. They may even interact with their lecturers on a blog. New technologies are indeed potentially changing all aspects of scholarly practice.

  14. According to our friend Trivartsingh Ramjeawon, Digital Scholarship is expensive. Yes, it is but we cannot ignore the fact that nowadays anyone can have access to technologies and there such places that are available if one cannot afford Digital Technologies. For example, if lecturers use a blog post to share educational tools like you said in your post, students who cannot afford for a computer or the internet or both, he can get access to the blog by going to a cyber and access it. Or even on the campus itself in the computer laboratory.


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