Monday, 6 February 2012

Traditional Instructional Design Models

“Instructional Design is the systematic process of translating general principles of learning and instruction into plans of instructional materials and learning" - Sara McNell, University of Houston

While the organization of an instructor's course is important, the most vital component of the course is its content. Equally important to content in an online course is how an instructor designs or lays out their course to present this information. This is critical since the layout or design of the information can influence how students learn the material. The Instructional Development Process for an online course consists of four major stages: 

· Analysis
· Design
· Development
· Evaluation

These four stages are normally applied in an iterative way. The life cycle of an online instructional design process may also follow a spiral process. This means that a course can be developed in more than on cycle of development and each subsequent cycle is meant to bring improvements in the contents and design of the course based on an evaluation made in the Evaluation phase of the preceding cycle. 


The ADDIE model is the generic process traditionally used by instructional designers and training developers. The five phases—Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation—represent a dynamic, flexible guideline for building effective training and performance support tools. In the analyze phase, the instructional problem is clarified, the goals and objectives are established, and the learning environment and learner characteristics are identified. The design phase is where the instructional strategies are designed and media choices are made. In the develop phase, materials are produced according to decisions made during the design phase. The implement phase includes the testing of prototypes (with targeted audience), putting the product in full production, and training learners and instructors on how to use the product. The evaluation phase consists of two parts: formative and summative. Formative evaluation is present in each stage. Summative evaluation consists of tests for criterion-related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users.

Dick and Carrey Model
The Dick and Carey model uses a systems approach for designing instruction. One of the best known models, its approach to designing instruction is similar to that of software engineering. The design model describes all the phases of an iterative process that starts by identifying instructional goals and ends with summative evaluation. This model is applicable across a range of context areas (e.g. education to business to government) and users (novice to expert).

Hannafin and Peck Model

The Hannafin Peck Design Model is a three phase process. In the first phase, a needs assessment is performed. This phase is followed by a design phase. In the third phase, instruction is developed and implemented. In this model, all of the phases involve a process of evaluation and revision.

The Knirk and Gustafson Design model 

The Knirk and Gustafson model is a three stage process which includes problem determination, design and development. The problem determination stage involves identifying the problem and setting instructional goals. The design stage includes developing objectives and specifying strategies. Finally, in the development stage, materials are developed.

The Gerlach Design model

The Gerlach-Ely Design Model is a prescriptive model that is well suited to lower and higher education. It is meant for novice instructional designers who have knowledge and expertise in a specific context. The model includes strategies for selecting and including media within instruction. It also handles the allocation of resources.

The Prototype model 

Tripp and Bichelmeyer's Rapid Prototyping Design Model is a four level process that is intended to create instruction for lessons as opposed to entire curricula. The process stages include performing a needs analysis, constructing a prototype, utilizing the prototype to perform research and installing the final system. This model relies on expert instructional designers to utilize heuristics as well as their past experience and intuition to guide the design.


  1. The four elements applied in the iterative way are the very basic foundation of the process of developing an instructional process for an online course. As we do consider the spiral process, we notify a key for having continuous improvement in the content and design of the course, which is evaluated in the evaluation phase. Beyond this, we need a model to create such interesting learning environment and I think the ADDIE model to be an appropriate one. It is because it comprises of all foundation elements, it has 2 areas for evaluation, and there is no need to be experts to be using it.

  2. The ADDIE Model is obviously efficient. However, it is mostly used by instructional designers training developers. The Dick and Carey Model is applicable on a wider range of context areas starting from education to business and to government. The Dick and Carey Model also provides instructional goal and summative evaluation.

  3. this articles talks about some well known innovative model ADDIE model being the oldest and most commonly used because of its simplicity and effectiveness. However,there are other emerging model like the prototype model or The Gerlach Design model which are being used by developers.

  4. The ADDIE model seems the most appropriate design model. However people with lower level of education should use the Gerlach Design model as it will be the most suitable for them. The Prototype model seem to be the best model but need a lot of expertise and can't really be used for a large context. Dick and Carrey Model also seems to be a really interesting model and can also be applied for a wider range of context. All the other models seem easy to use but seema only appropriate for smaller context.

  5. The ADDIE model seems the most appropriate design model. However people with lower level of education should use the Gerlach Design model as it will be the most suitable for them. The Prototype model seems to be the best model but need a lot of expertise and can't really be used for a large context. Dick and Carrey Model also seem to be a really interesting model and can also be applied for a wider range of context. All the other models seem easy to use but seema only appropriate for smaller context.


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