Thursday, 16 June 2011

VCILT showcases student's work

A few trainees currently on work-based learning placement at the VCILT are developing a kind of digital library to showcase our students' work in the different courses related to educational technology. Most of these work have some educational value and the resources have been created using open-source software (mainly e-learning authoring tools).

Undergraduate students in English, French, Psychology and Science fields have taken the General Elective Module on Educational Technology. Throughout the course, they have been developing IT related skills to develop simple educational websites. The course also tries to develop their reflective ability as well as critical thinking skills. This can be reflected in their commenting of the different articles in this blog.
We felt that its high time that students' work are not confined to CD-ROMs that are stacked on shelves and then destroyed later. By this online showcase of the work, we feel that we are adding value to the effort done by the students as well as the tutors who assisted them in the course. We have done a first selection of the best work.

The digital library will also showcase work of undergraduate students in the BSc Educational and Instructional Technology programme who are mainly practising teachers. It will also house the productions of our Diploma students in Web and Multimedia Development.

The address hosting a prototype is 

This will later be migrated to an integrated CMS.


  1. Exposing the work of worthy students’ work-based learning placement would encourage them to give the best of them and also for us to know the point of view of students on certain topics. This will reflect of course in general what the actual young generation thinks on these specific issues.
    Moreover, other students or people of the same age will be keener to read these articles and of course comment on it!
    The point of everyone should be taken into consideration and this is a good way to make the point of view of students to be known since they are the future leader of this country!
    Hard work should be always compensated to encourage its continuity.

  2. showcases is a good tool in making students to be able to develop their skills in IT and more often ability to make criticism about the direction they are leading to.

  3. Well, I think this is definitely a good initiative taken by the VCILT centre. Showcasing the previous works done by the students is like a reward for their hard work. This can not only be interpreted as a source of pride for those whose works are being displayed in the digital library but it may also act like a sort of motivation for those who are enrolled on the Educational Technology course this year.

  4. Exposing the work of worthy students’ work-based learning placement would encourage them to give the best of them and also for us to know the point of view of students on certain topics. This will reflect of course in general what the actual young generation thinks on these specific issues.
    Moreover, other students or people of the same age will be keener to read these articles and of course comment on it!
    The point of everyone should be taken into consideration and this is a good way to make the point of view of students to be known since they are the future leader of this country!
    Hard work should be always compensated to encourage its continuity.

  5. I think that the VCILT is right- They said that a few trainees are working on the development of a kind of digital library and this is such a big step in the digital world because a digital library has too much to offer:
    -The same resources can be used simultaneously by a number of users and they are easily searchable ( Searchability is one of the core advantages of a digital format).
    -Inexpensive: Saving over print costs can be made.
    -The Traditional libraries are limited by storage space where as the digital libraries have the potential to store much more information.
    -The user of a digital library does not need to go to the library physically.
    -Preservation and conservation: Digitization is not a long-term preservation solution for physical collections, but does succeed in providing access copies for materials that would otherwise fall to degradation from repeated use.
    -Added value: Certain characteristics of objects, primarily the quality of images, may be improved. Digitization can enhance legibility and remove visible flaws such as stains.
    -Interactive: The rapid turnaround time means that articles can be read, commented on by the journal's readers, and amended much more quickly than can be done with print. The ease with which e-mail can be sent, or forms filled in means that there can be much greater feedback through the Web.
    -Flexibility : Digital library is able to evolve quickly as it is not tied to a format, printer or distribution network.

    I am myself an undergraduate student in French and I can note that with this module, the reflective ability as well as critical thinking skills of a student can be developed. And it is quite obvious that this can be reflected in the students' commenting of the different articles in this blog.
    “By this online showcase of the work, we feel that we are adding value to the effort done by the students as well as the tutors who assisted them in the course.”- By adding value to the effort done by students, the VCILT is indeed encouraging them and this will certainly give them more confidence to move forward.

  6. VCILT showcases student’s work.
    From my personal point of view I must say that this is indeed a good project being implemented by the trainees and also using simple open source tools. This will help create an online database like, where information can be easily stored and accessed during our learning period and it will also allow current learners to have access to good pieces of works done by previous students and will give these authors and their tutors their value due. But one main disadvantage of this showcase, I think, would be that it is only going to reduce the research work of a student as most of us will know that a similar work is already present at the showcase for sure, thus favouring data duplication and it even prevent a student from developing its research and critical thinking ability to its maximum.
    On the other side, it helps preserve much more data for longer period of time and more safely as digital data can be stored on a larger space thus creating a big library with time. This will also motivate students to work, as it will act as an inspiration to learners.

  7. The initiative of creating the General Elective Module on Educational Technology is a great success. Students who have been following the course are satisfied by the knowledge acquired throughout the tutorials. Therefore the best articles and other works are to be recorded in a digital library to show the effort made by the students and also encourage new comers to work hard for their works to be published.

  8. As our world is becoming full of technology, most of the things we used to do manually are replaced by technology.Thus the use of digital library will be used in the near future. I agree fully that people should be trained already. Moreover, the General Elective Module of Educational technology is very useful. I also agree that online courses are better than the use of CD ROM as CD ROM get spoiled easily. However, it must be considered that everyone has easy access to the internet. It is true that networking is accessible in cyber cafe and libraries but yet it stays a problem for those not having easy access at home. The display of work of undergraduate students of BSc Educational and Instructional Technology will give an idea to the students of Web and Multimedia an idea about their work. It might help them specially for the Web. However, not only those Web students will benefit, but others doing other courses and interested in teaching as well will benefit.

  9. This is indeed a very nice initiative, according to me, as it helps to be us to be more creative and be more user-friendly with the new technologies. Furthermore it also allows us to have a new opinion on learning which is completely different from the old traditional classroom learning system. Even if some still do prefer the latter, this new way of learning too seems as good.

  10. As a student, I found that a digital library would be very useful for demonstrating one’s talents. It is true that many students work on projects and other types of work that are worth showing to the public. A digital library will be a great place to showcase these students’ work. In addition, other students will learn from these works and be motivated to produce their own work.

  11. The digital library would be certainly a great help for the students following the course. Each time they would be able to come to the library and search easily for the information they need. Surely,when they would use the digital library they would develop their IT skills as they would always be interacting with the computer.
    Nevertheless,they would keep saving their necessary information on a CD-ROM or pen-drive as they would not have access to the internet and the on-line library. Furthermore,whilst having the habit to use the digital library they would only use the information present there and would not go elsewhere to find other interesting and helpful information.
    The students should therefore know to how extend to use these information present in that space.

  12. I think this is really a good idea because many students knows the hard work and sacrifices they have put in completing their project or course work.It feel really sad to just save the work on a piece of CD or some printing format which later is put in some corner.I think that all project should be uploaded (not choosing only the best one) as the same project can be viewed by many other students which in turn can innovate(NOT COPYING!)the same project by enhancing it and bring on new ideas.

  13. I think that this is a wonderful idea, having a virtual library where one can review his/her work or the work of others regarding particular topics would be very handy and practical and that too at times of dissertation to have guidelines as to how to proceed with certain rules, principles or criteria.

    One can more easily be guided in the right direction and avoid wasting a precious time of re-starting anew their work, projects or assignments if ever at a later stage they found out that they previously took a wrong turn as to what they were supposed to take.

    This shall also foster the sharing of knowledge, expertise, knowhow and findings in various subjects. Moreover having a digital library avoids scholars from wasting time by going through lots of junks on the internet in view of some relevant materials as the library would be consisting of only relevant topics, hence would be junk-free. With a search engine and the facilities offered through a blog, views, opinions and ideas can easily be shared. Finally queries regarding certain works could be directed towards the authors of those works for clarity.

  14. Our friend Melissa has pointed out some very interesting details by making a contrast of the digital library against a physical one. As cited by her, virtual libraries do enjoy the following benefits:

    Cost-effective in terms of no paperwork

    No physical location required

    No maintenance cost on location (electricity bills, air conditioning, staff)

    No such problems of having books with torn or missing pages

    Books preserved for almost indefinite time period

    Relatively easy and rapid searching of materials

    Flexibility as to changes in structure

  15. Exposing every students work instead of only the best one is good to do because this will definitely increase everyone's self confidence and motivation for all the work we are submitting in this online module. Since with the VCILT, there has been an innovation with the creation on an online module which is very different from traditional module with class and hard-copy notes, the step that follows is the most appropriate one. That is, the creation of this digital library to showcase our works is a great step ahead innovation because with traditional class most of our works goes in the shredder after some times. But on the other hand, to be able to do this, appropriate measures should be taken in terms of correction of the works, because exposing each and every work also means taking a risk in showing 'unfit' work in terms of mistakes done by students.

  16. It is a very good idea as first of all, all the contents of students will be online, therefore more accessible to most students. Nowadays, student spend much time on the web, and making learning contents available there is of a genius idea. Seoncdly, exposing the best works done by student themselves add a kind of competition. Students will be more willing to do their best as there is not only external reward like succeed in gem but also internal reward like the satisfaction to get their work exposed to other students as being the best works.

  17. I firmly believe it is a very good initiative by the VCILT.Firstly the digital library may be used by future UoM students who wish to have informations about this course.Also it is a very laudable as Students will be very proud to see their hardwork being kept in an online library ! Finally it is a must to congratulate the Students on training for WBL who are helping in creating this big project

  18. I think it is a very constructive idea.Students will get a lot of ideas via comments and answers.But also those person's exposing there work,it is a reward for them,it reaches a wide audience,therefore their work can be appreciated by a number of students.This will motivate themselves to do more.

  19. Elodie Wu has highlighted the benefit of digital library.However if the works are not being appreciated by the peers,then this can lead to demotivate the latter.

  20. As Melissa mentioned above, the digital library will provide more facilities for the students. Moreover the students will feel that they are taken into consideration about how the thinking on certain topics.
    However, as Anomyme said, the work of these students will be copied and can discourage research works among students. But what we can do it that these published works can be made copyright. In that case, students can use this information to further carry their research.

  21. Nushrat Jowaheer19 October 2011 at 20:50

    The digital library is an important aspect as it would consist of up to date information useful to everyone. Showcasing the work of undergraduate students will motivate the web and multimedia and others to do their best and encourage them to achieve higher than that. Truly pointed out that cd-roms most of the time are destroyed or thrown thus VCILT, have solved the problem, since works can be easily be uploaded and stays for long, where others can view and comment, which increases self confidence, IT skills, and critical thinking. Thanks to those student who are making this project worthwhile however others should make good use of the information available to them.

  22. Nushrat Jowaheer19 October 2011 at 21:01

    My dear friend yasodachedumbaram, you have clearly pointed out that there is a risk involved in showing 'unfit' work in terms of mistakes done by students. I totally agree with your saying, since anyone would not like being commented on mistakes they have done, this is very embarrassing. I would suggest that before the work are being posted on the VCILT; the tutors should pay full attention before allowing work to be posted. Particular care should be taken to avoid others repeating the mistake again and again.

  23. What Yasodachedumbaram posted definitely makes sense as it should be fair to everyone and not only a selected few. Though it may prone encouragement to stand apart and make it to the online library, some students may feel the awkwardness of their work being rejected. On the other hand, by posting everyone’s work it will generate an enthusiastic environment for the students to perform their best in order to demonstrate their capabilities.

  24. VCILT Showcases Students' Work
    I personally agree with the idea of a digital library where we as students can share our views and opinions on certain topics relating to e-learning. It can also help us learn and understand the views of our peers if they happen to differ from our own. This type of software is easily accessible, it is very interactive,and flexible. It also has multiple access. Although this is a preferred way of learning, due to the multiple amount of users, the forum might decrease in speed, causing slow connection.
    The trainees are establishing the first step into improving technology and ways of learning. We as students are enhancing in step two by carrying out the improvement, and putting it to action.

  25. Posting the works of others would be a great thing. It can have multiple benefits, for example we could propose to students that their work will be posted if it is good enough and I firmly believe that this would create incentives to make better work. It will also give ideas to those that may have to work on a more or less same project. Previous works may even be improved as a consequence.
    The sharing and acquiring of knowledge has always been part of human nature and making an online library with it can only be beneficial. However, it is important that this does not facilitate plagiarism and the purpose of it will not be to help students get answers to homeworks. Whatsoever it is a highly considerable idea.

  26. Darvesh talked about the advantages of online learning over books. I agree with the advantages, but we should also contrast what is seen on a screen and what can be held in our hands. I barely have patience to read ebooks or online pages by scrolling down or playing with the zoom because the web page does not fit my screen. I am amongst those who prefer to have a well printed book which I can handle properly and read clearly. I do not care about trees that are cut or whatever because nothing can replace the pages of a book. There is no wrong purpose in cutting trees to share knowledge. Many companies grow up their own trees to provide us papers, they have never impeded the quantity of oxygen we have, at least to some point. Online library is good, but books can also be made. Otherwise just make the online library and make in sort that the works can be printed.

  27. I think it is a very good thing to make use of the digital library as it consists of up to date data. showcasing of work makes students more confident and they will think twice before writing any answer as they know that everyone doing this course is getting access to the answers.

  28. I totally agree to what Baris has said about the fact that 'many students would keep saving their necessary information on a CD-ROM or pen-drive as many would not have access to the internet and the on-line library.' and he is right when saying that this online library can make many students restrict their research work here thus neglecting to search for useful and other interesting information elsewhere. Thus this online library can also be a problem.

  29. A good initiative for sure. This digital library will not only encourage the students but will in a way create a kind of competition among them as each one would want to create the perfect work so as it is posted on the library and as a result there will be an interest towards the course. This will, therefore, result in the availability of refined works on the digital library which in turn will be available to all students of Educational Technologies. From these works, students will get the opportunity to learn new interesting things which come from a plethora of mind concepts. Thinking limits and criticizing ability of students will definitely evolve and they will get the opportunity to give their point of views as comments. This digital library shows off numerous advantages as specified, hence it is definitely a good tool for Educational Technologies.

  30. In reply to what yasodachedumbaram said…

    "Exposing every students work instead of only the best one is good to do because this will definitely increase everyone's self confidence and motivation for all the work we are submitting in this online module...... "

    I dont agree to the fact that every one's work should be posted on the digital library.

    First of all if so is done, then there will be no competition among the students to create better and better work since all of them will be posted. Had it been that only the best would be posted then every one would try to improve their works constantly until it is worthy being posted on the library.

    Secondly if the digital library contains the works of all students then when another student will be visiting the digital library, then at some point he/she will definitely get bored to see basic works or repeated works again and again. If on the other hand the library contains only the best works then definitely when a student is looking at the latter, he/she must be amazed, gets an interest to read further and then learn new things and try to innovate them.

  31. Indeed this is what we call an awesome project! A digital library is most welcomed as it will not only be more accessible to a larger range of students or staff (since it will be offered online) but it will also be a new experience for us students who will be developing new skills as it changes from our traditional libraries dusty and overcrowded .

    Moreover showcasing students’ work, acts as a sort of incentive for the new students enrolling for this course who will be motivated to work at their best and in doing so students feel valued and hence show more interest in the course.

  32. The showcase of student’s works on a digital library would definitely be advantageous. Its positive impact will relate both to the students and lecturers on the forum. The setting up of this library would act as a sharing tool- the sharing f views and knowledge. Undeniably, it is a secure place to store information. At the end of the day it equally allows positive competition. As the best works will be placed in the digital library, each and everyone would surely do their best to have theirs published.

  33. VCILT centre is doing a great job by exposing the works of worthy students. This promotes the work done by the students and undergraduates and the hard work of the latter is compensated. Their work can be viewed by others and their peers can also comment on their work as their work is easy accessible. As a result their critical thinking is developed. In addition it encourages them and this also increases their self confidence. The online library stores all the information and can be of long termed used as one can retrieve useful information in future.

  34. VCILT centre is doing a great job by exposing the works of worthy students. This promotes the work done by the students and undergraduates and the hard work of the latter is compensated. Their work can be viewed by others and their peers can also comment on their work as their work is easy accessible. As a result their critical thinking is developed. In addition it encourages them and this also increases their self confidence. The online library stores all the information and can be of long termed used as one can retrieve useful information in future.

  35. In my opinion, the VCILT centre has taken a good initiative by encouraging students studying in different fields to share their ideas. The digital library will bring together a wide range of perspectives and will cover both the opportunities and challenges that this innovation will be providing for both users (us) and the tutors also. It is a great opportunity for me and all of us to develop some new skills and learn new things.

  36. Mellisa has point out most of the advantages of the digital libraries that would definitely facilitate research works. The principal benefit of this library is that it will supplement the formal education system by making knowledge available to anyone who can read and has access to it. The advance of our society depends on young people having access to books via libraries and other means. I expect that making this unique web resource available free to everyone around the world will enhance the learning process. Digital library makes locating the relevant information inside of books far more reliable and much easier as a secondary benefit.
    Since it will be available to everyone, there will be many students adding information and thus the libraries should surely archive the digital data to be used later on by other students. The publisher can also upgrade the old data to newer formats in order not to get the same data but in a different format.

  37. Student’s effort needs to be duly rewarded for this motivates them further. It can be done by the simple act as mentioned in this blog publishing the best work. It’s as well set an example for the new batches of student; they already have an example of what is expected from them as such it set a certain kind of level also.

    Nowadays from one click you can have instant information worldwide, thus why not the best work of students. This will enhance the level of education in the country and it’s definitely a step achieved in this technological era whereby for instance in 15 years time, the online database will crop up everywhere and for sure the next generation will be for, such online systems rather the CD mode of approach.

    I feel that the idea of digital library should be fully implemented by VCILT to help out, motivate students in the courses of BSc Educational and Instructional Technology programme, Diploma students in Web and Multimedia Development.

  38. A digital library is a very good initiative which I am sure will be welcomed by everybody. It will act as a kind if reward towards the undergraduate students as well as the tutors because their work will be more valued and it will give a sense of” sharing” among the leavers and the newcomers. It will also be an important platform also for the actual as well as future students who will be undertaking the same modules. Nowadays almost every student has an access to a computer, therefore via such a blog or website there will be a pool of information at their disposition, accessible at anytime, anywhere and by anybody. According to me, two other perspectives for this e-learning method would be firstly, to create a kind of “wiki” whereby all students will be able to contribute to it; because when we refer to the published article, it is stated that only the “best work” will be selected. And secondly, to extend the same idea to other modules and faculties on campus… therefore, not restricting it to only English, French, Psychology and Scientific fields.

  39. A digital library is a very good initiative which I am sure will be welcomed by everybody. It will act as a kind if reward towards the undergraduate students as well as the tutors because their work will be more valued and it will give a sense of” sharing” among the leavers and the newcomers. It will also be an important platform also for the actual as well as future students who will be undertaking the same modules. Nowadays almost every student has an access to a computer, therefore via such a blog or website there will be a pool of information at their disposition, accessible at anytime, anywhere and by anybody. According to me, two other perspectives for this e-learning method would be firstly, to create a kind of “wiki” whereby all students will be able to contribute to it; because when we refer to the published article, it is stated that only the “best work” will be selected. And secondly, to extend the same idea to other modules and faculties on campus… therefore, not restricting it to only English, French, Psychology and Scientific fields.

  40. VCILT centre is doing a great job by exposing the works of worthy students. This promotes the work done by the students and undergraduates and the hard work of the latter is compensated. Their work can be viewed by others and their peers can also comment on their work as their work is easy accessible. As a result their critical thinking is developed. In addition it encourages them and this also increases their self confidence. The online library stores all the information and can be of long termed used as one can retrieve useful information in future.

  41. VCILT centre is doing a great job by exposing the works of worthy students. This promotes the work done by the students and undergraduates and the hard work of the latter is compensated. Their work can be viewed by others and their peers can also comment on their work as their work is easy accessible. As a result their critical thinking is developed. In addition it encourages them and this also increases their self confidence. The online library stores all the information and can be of long termed used as one can retrieve useful information in future.

  42. In my opinion, it is indeed a good initiative by the VCILT. Since the best work would be published, this will encourage students to work harder as all them would like their work to be published. It is a reward for the hard work of the students as their work would be appreciated by many people and not just kept aside in a CD-ROM or just destroyed. This might be helpful to other students who could be inspired by these works and thus produce their own work. Furthermore, students are exposed to different opinions which could help them to think broadly and be creative.

  43. Pouven Nirsimloo22 October 2011 at 09:58

    According to me, the set up of this digital library has created a vaste advantage for the stuednts at the university. This has brought us in understanding how to manage and tackle websites. This has helped us in developing reflective ability and critical thinking skills. This development has also brought to the elimination of the use of CDs and DVDs and thus saving more physical space. Personally I would be totally in favor of theis type of learning because this has brought me many facilities.

  44. This idea of implementing a digital library will be very useful for each and every student. This will enable students to get access to others' works and hence they will get different views and opinions about different subjects. They will have the advantage to glance a look at the works of previous students especially the best ones and therefore they will get an idea of how to go on with the tasks given to them. However with this digital library there is one drawback whereby instead of reading previous students works as a reference, some students will tend to replicate the same work by simply copying the work word to word which will hence be of no use. But in general the idea of digital library is simple a great one.

  45. Fist of all,i think the trainees during their work- base learning placement have done a good task by creating the digital library for students with the support of the VCILT center.Today,thanks to them,many previous students' works related to educational technology are showcased online in the digital library.Moreover,these students have been able to acknowledge critical and reflective thinking along with IT skills within this course.Futhermore,by storing and sharing the best works,other students especially the newcomers get the opportunity to view them and make reference.This in turn,becomes more interactive and also a source of inspiration for them to create their own as well.So,digital library is better and more helpful as all the works displayed in it are not destroyed later on like those which are kept in CD-ROMs.In addition,it is cost effective as printing is not necessary.Therefore,learning is facilitated.

  46. Shehroze Khodabux22 October 2011 at 13:14

    The scheme of creating the General Elective Module (GEM) on Educational Technology is a great triumph. Students doing this GEM do really well appreciate the learning offered. Hence the best articles and other works are to be recorded in a digital library. This digital library has many benefits if looked the perspective of our friend Melissa which our friend Darvesh clearly showed.

  47. This is no doubt a wonderful initiative by the VCILT as it will obviously encourage students to perform their best and it will also be possible to know the point of view of other students. Furthermore the online library will facilitate the work of students as it will enable them to easily search for information. Moreover having to interact with the computer, will help in developing their IT skills. Also it will also be less time consuming than having to go to the library and search for the required information manually. Data can be preserved for a longer period of time. The digital library allows many students to have access to the same information at the same time, which would not have been possible with a manual library.The digital library is cost effective in terms of no paper work. Therefore the implementation of the digital library is indeed a good initiative.

  48. According to me, this new concept is a good initiative. The digital library is a positive thing for student like us by this system it will be more easy for us to gain access to some data. The concept of the 'showcases student's work' is also a good idea. By this we will be able to view their work and we will have some ideas for our own work in future. But the disadvantage is that some students will have the tendency to copy the work being exposed and this is not a good thing for the student and even for the person who has published his work.

  49. I agree with Melissa when she says that digital library will facilitate student's work. The different points she has mentioned above is very interesting and right. But in the other hand we must thing of the negative effect of this project as with this new system many will copy others works and this will discourage the people who has done this particular work.

  50. Showing students works' can be advantageous to both the creator and the viewer;
    This would definitely encourage students in making more and more developments and they would not feel discouraged because their piece of work are being viewed rather than being thrown or destroyed after some time. Students would be able to both develop their skills in educational technologies and thus competition would increase among many students. This would result in making students more hardworking.
    Newer students who have enrolled for this course would be able to take references from the work of experienced students in case they are not able to understand their course work.
    The idea to showcase works of students may also increase the number of students enrolling for educational courses and this would result in discovering more skills and abilities.

  51. This comment has been removed by the author.

  52. Indeed,a digital library can assist students in a proper manner.For example,those doing Bsc English and French will have sufficient information when they will be doing project work.Also by seeing the work of professionals,students will be encouraged to perform better.Most important,the work can remain in the digital library which is not cumbersome.

  53. Dear friends, i really think that this is a very good initiative from the VCILT center. By showcasing the work of the students it is a very good way for others to learn new things and to open themselves to new challenging ways of learning things. Sharing of ideas not only benefits the person who has posted something but also the persons who are reading it. New ideas and point of views may be shared among student and this may create a very friendly learning atmosphere. Students through this also work hard and give the best of themselves.

  54. This is a very interesting idea taken by the few trainees currently on work-based learning placement at the VCILT. Educational Technology has formed an integral part of our pedagogical system. Nowadays almost every student feels the need of owning a computer to carry out researchers, presentations and other similar tasks. Study materials have become easily accessible allowing students to acquire knowledge at their own pace. Technology helps students who learn best in other ways such as animation, still images, other than just relying upon printed materials. The resources which have been created using open source software is a good option in the way that open source software is a good way for business to achieve greater penetration of the market. Companies that offer open source software are able to establish an industry standard and, thus, gain competitive advantage. Using the IT related skills students learn not only how to develop website but also how to obtain information from the web, understand them, open and explore web browser, understand how to use a search engine, understand how to define a specific search and so on which will lead them to develop their creativity and thinking skills. It is true that students must not be confined to CD-ROMs. When using CD-ROMs there is difficulty in updating. Once CD-ROMs have been produced it is not possible to update them. This may mean that they can become dated relatively quickly. The VCILT showcase will also help the student to create an online database and it will also allow current learners to have access to good pieces of works done by previous students and will give these authors and their tutors their value due. On the other side, it helps preserve much more data for longer period of time and more safely as digital data can be stored on a larger space thus creating a big library with time. Students will be greatly motivated to work using this system.

  55. As Nushrat Jowaheer has said, it is indeed true that the digital library is important everyone as the digital content in the digital library may be stored locally, or accessed remotely via computer networks. A digital library is a type of information retrieval system. Showcasing will act as a catalyst for not only students to be motivated and earning to learn more, but will also encourage and motivate web and multimedia develops to create and develop more.CD-ROMs can be scratched and therefore the file(s) on it will be difficult to be opened by the computer. VCILT have come with a great initiative in the way that all their works are uploaded and therefore it is better for people to access it anywhere and anytime they want. The information available to us is sometimes meaningful but some meaningless therefore we will have to understand them clearly and make good use of it. This develops our understanding and creative skills.

  56. VCILT showcases student’s work....
    According to me, this is a good idea taken by the VCILT. Work based learning placement enables students to use their academic skills and learn what you need to improve. So the trainees will give the best of them. Moving forward with the digital library will benefits many of us as it provide immediate access to a range of resources not available in physical collections. Digital libraries allow unprecedented access to information and ideas. While physical libraries operate with designated hours, digital libraries are available anytime and anywhere there is an Internet connection.
    Myself doing the Educational Technology module I can say that it enables students to develop their reflective ability as well as their critical thinking skills. Moreover, we are adding value to the effort done by the students as well as their tutors. So, in a way this encourages students to give their best in order for their work to be published and other students can be motivated.

  57. Indeed a digital library to showcase student’s work is a good initiative taken by those trainees at the VCILT. Useful resources will be easily accessible to students, knowledge is being shared and we can see that modern technology is being used to the utmost to enhance the education system. The digital library will encourage and motivate students since their handworks are being appreciated.

    However students must make good use of this digital library and should not attempt to plagiarise others works.

    The General Elective Module on Educational Technology is certainly shaping us for the future by developing not only our IT skills but also our critical and analytical thinking especially in this blog learning activity.

  58. I think that this is a good idea, to have a virtual library. We can be guided in the right direction and avoid wasting time. Many students can have access to the information at the same time in different places. There are no problems of having books with torn or missing pages and cost effective in terms of no paperwork. It allows us to have more facilities and upgrade our chance to be more coherent in our work.

  59. Developing a digital library is a worthwhile incentive for students. They can easily share their work with other students thereby encouraging team spirit. Furthermore, sharing work electronically will allow other students to express their point of views which will eventually helps to improve the quality of the work. Displaying the work of student will make them intensify their efforts to produce better quality work and would compensate their efforts as well as that of the tutors who helped them rather than keeping such useful resources on shelves or in CD-ROMs that will be destroyed later. The digital library can be a vital tool for new students who sometimes find difficulty to start their work. They can use this library as a reference to guide them on the right path.

  60. Showcase of students' work is indeed a good initiative, encouragingthe student to give his best while posting his documents online. Also, having easy access to other students' work, reading and posting replies together with critics ( We should always bear in mind that critics are assets helping us imporve ourselves ) to comments help in learning more on the field.
    However it is not fair when sometimes people who have been waiting for the last minutes to submit their work to see the course work of someone else, as his immediate idea would be copying from another person's comment, which he classifies as being interesting and worth copying.

  61. Like yasodachedumbaram had said VCILT has been an innovation and a great experience for students. We are getting the best from this kind of learning and give us more than we expected from it. However there are risk of errors from students and tutor must take in consideration all this before allowing it to be post. It was not joyful to be commented on our errors even that we learn from our errors.

  62. I firmly believe that this idea of showcasing elders works is a reward for their hard work.Furthermore it helps newcomers in Educational Technology course to situate themselves by giving them guidelines about how to focus on different facets of this field.Moreover this initiative would definitely boost up the use of the digital library, giving rise to online education being promoted to a larger extent which finally results in more interactive education.All of the above will definitely bring up to students developing their critical thinking skills as well as their reflective ability.

  63. This is indeed a very good idea. Many students work really hard to complete their work and by posting their work online it is as if we are awarding and honouring them for their excellent work achieved and this is actually a way to encourage them to keep up the good work. Moreover other students will also be determined to double their effort and work harder so that they also they can see their articles being published online. To note also that student will have access to these interesting information and thus broaden their knowledge on a particular topic related to educational technology. It would be really sad if these information are confined in CD-ROM and later destroyed. Better make good use of it rather than losing resourceful information.

  64. I do agree with what Mr Kannen said, especially with not uploading only the best works, instead we should give newcomers a larger span of views of their elders who did this course. This will definitely give them a wider view of the Educational Technology course. Furthermore Kannen pointed out the fact that innovation should be brought out evenly,meaning limiting plagiarism. I completely agree to what he said in the sense that no one would like to see their friends to have better marks than them without any hard work except from copying. Hence this process of showcasing should henceforth closely monitor the plagiarism risk as expressed by Kannen.

  65. For me, the vcilt and this module, educational technologies is like an innovation in the world of learning. Proven to be a great success in the past by a few trainees, I therefore fully agreed because it is high time to learn how to share, because while seeing a student’s view may trigger the key to bring innovations. Like for example, combining two idea of a website design may result to an iconic design.

  66. I am definitely of the same opinion of Elodie Wu who says that students of Educational technology will take pride when seeing there works being showcased...Also i agree fully with her when she says that students will have a feeling of competition among themselves.I personally believe that through the years this online library will be a resource which students will look for , when having to do researches concerning Educational Technology related subjects

  67. VCILT Showcases Students' Work.
    I personally agree with the idea of a digital library where we as students can share our views and opinions on certain topics relating to e-learning. It can also help us learn and understand the views of our peers if they happen to differ from our own. This type of software is easily accessible; it is very interactive, and flexible. It also has multiple accesses. Although this is a preferred way of learning, due to the multiple amounts of users, the forum might decrease in speed, causing slow connection. The trainees are establishing the first step into improving technology and ways of learning. We as students are enhancing in step two by carrying out the improvement, and putting it to action.

  68. I think that this is a very positive initiative in the sense that students will conciously strive harder in their educational endevours because there is a chance for them to get some kind of recognition for their efforts. It can also serve as a bench marking tool for other students to gauge their work on. Furthermore it gives students piece of mind to know that their working apart from simply getting them good grades is going towards something useful which can make a difference for others.

  69. The development of a digital library by showcasing worthy students work will be a great achievements in the educational system since this will bring numerous amounts of benefits.

    Firstly, the exposition of worthy students work will helps these same students to work harder in the future since they know that their works are being taken into consideration. Moreover, other students who would not have been interested to read the articles that their friends have written if these same articles were printed on paper ,whereas in a digital library, these same students would be more keen to read their friend’s articles and provide their own opinion.

    Furthermore, digital library helps in the sharing and retrieval of information in an easier and quicker way since many students can have access to the same information at the same time. This prevents students from making long queues in libraries whenever they need to have access to information which are printed on paper.

    Moreover, digital libraries provide much more storage facilities to keep soft copies of their works, instead of hardcopies like papers and large files that are cumbersome. This means that it is cost-effective since no printout is required.

  70. Showcase is a very efficient way of improving education of students. Students will tend to perform better while doing the work as s/he knows that other people will have access to it. And as pointed out in the student's work will not be confined to a CD Rom that can easily be destroyed or get lost. In a digital library the work will always be showcased and other people can add their comments which will lighten the students' minds by seeing different views and opinions.

  71. As Ravi Luckhun have said above, by making those students works copyright, nobody will be able to reproduce the same work again. So, it will be impossible for other students to copy exactly what the authors have written, thus, they will end up doing their own research works.

    Moreover, this will add more importance to those students whose works are being exposed. This is because their works are being appreciated by a wide range of people. And hence, they will be awarded the price for their good works.

  72. The digital library seems to be a good project which will provide several advantages to the students. This will help students to acquire knowledge and skills in a very attractive way especially due to the e-learning authoring tools. Interactions between students will allow reflection on different topics, discussions and this will favor the critical thinking skills of each student. Students may even refer to work done by others to get information or ideas or to be confident about his work. But like all things this may have its disadvantages. Some students may become lazy because of the facilities available. Students who do not have internet at home will be penalise.

  73. I think that this is a very positive initiative in the sense that students will conciously strive harder in their educational endevours because there is a chance for them to get some kind of recognition for their efforts. It can also serve as a bench marking tool for other students to gauge their work on. Furthermore it gives students piece of mind to know that their working apart from simply getting them good grades is going towards something useful which can make a difference for others.

  74. It should be borne in mind that people today are evolving in a technology-driven world.Thus the use of digital library will be of great use in the near future.x the digital library may be defined as the New way of carrying out the functions of libraries encompassing new types of information resources, new approaches to classification and cataloguing, intensive use of electronic systems and networks. Firstly, the traditional libraries cannot be updated regularly on contrast with the digital libraries which can be updated on a daily basis. This is one of the greatest assets of this emerging technology. In addition more than one individual can have access to an article or a book at the same time. Moreover a traditional library must spend large sums of money paying for staff, book maintenance, rent, and additional books. Digital libraries may reduce or, in some instances, do away with these fees. Showcasing the best work will be beneficial to each an everyone.

  75. VCILT showcases student’s work

    By displaying students work online, we are giving an importance to the work done by the students and lecturer who monitor their work as well.

     It will help us to save cost on print out and books.
     Help the student in developing their skills. For example, thinking and communication skills.
     It prevents us from wasting time in searching notes in books and so on.

     On the other hand, the comments that are posted on the blog by student may be wrong and useless.

    Using the digital library to display the work of undergraduate students will be of great use for the readers as well as students who post comments. It will help them to increase their knowledge and will motivate others to work as well but before referring to the comments they should be very careful.

  76. VCILT Showcases student’s work
    The introduction of this digital library would indeed be greatly welcomed by al the staffs and specially students for various reasons. The works of students would be saved and the best ones be published which would create a sense of motivation for more effort in some students who love competition. Also that students will no longer feel that their works are not treated well and preserved. One of the main advantage of this innovation would be that current students preparing for assignments and looking for guidance and notes can easily find it on this digital library. But it is not fully an advantage if seen to depth as it will also discourage intensive research work and and thus making some students who were lazy become would create a barrier in their critical thinking developement.

  77. I think it is a very good idea to expose the the students’ work in this manner.Not only this will act as an incentive for students to give the best of themselves,it can also be used as a reference for future students.Moreover this will save up on space and it will be easier to search for a particular item or topic over the digital library as opposed to looking for it manually.

  78. The digital library will provide advantages like new forms of information being shared, round the clock availability, easy accessibility and multiple access. Furthermore, throughout the General Elective Module Educational Technology, the active participation of the students will also contribute a lot in the development of their personality.
    It is true that technology can enhance the traditional methods of learning for both the student and the lecturer. But we cannot deny the fact that the human touch is being lost. This can give rise to loss of face to face communication skills and interactive abilities between students, lecturers and peer groups.

  79. A digital library would be a very useful to students. It would not be necessary to use many books as almost all information should be online. Thus, students would be willing to work more and do better academically because the new generation is more familiar to e-learning. Tutors also would greatly benefit from the digital library.

  80. As Elodie Wu has said, a digital library would increase accessibility to many students. Also, the new generation likes to use the web to do their work. There are many such advantages of a digital library but we must not forget that many online works can be hacked. Thus, we must consider the aspect of security well before making the digital library.

  81. By showcasing student’s work, VCILT is valuing the hard work of the student. It is an act vastly appreciated. Using e-learning tools, the digital library can be permanent and can easily be accessed by the web users/or more precisely those interested in the work’s related subject. There are many students doing subjects in English, French, science and Psychology fields that have no knowledge on web developing and IT skills. Thus, Educational Technology has given them the opportunity to acquire those skills and develop their reflective ability.
    CD-ROMS and books are storage that will later be destroyed and vanished... thus; the digital library is the perfect solution. It will be accessible to unlimited number of students.

  82. Dear Baris, you have got a great point. Using the digital library will keep students in interaction with the computer and therefore, helping them on improving their IT skills. And then I completely agree with what you said: "whilst having the habit to use the digital library they would only use the information present there and would not go elsewhere to find other interesting and helpful information." Surely, knowing that they will get what they want at the library will tend to restrict their space of research to that only. They will not go and do more research on their own. They will not be able to develop the critical thinking skills and reflective ability.

  83. That a very nice and efficient step taken by the VCILT as it will help to give value to work of student,hence,encouraging
    actual students to work more harder as they know that their work will not finished in a drawer but will be viewed by
    many more students.This will help students to be guide by graduate student works.According to me, this type of project
    is a true innovative learning technnology.

  84. I also agree with whatever Yasodachedumbaram said. The VCILT should take into consideration whatever the student has posted before making it visible to everybody. If whatever he/she has posted is wrong, it would be good to inform him/she so as to be able to rectify the mistake. Or else this would be so embarrassing to point out the mistakes of someone and the other students looking at it.

  85. In my opinion, the VCILT has taken a good action in introducing the digital library. It enables us to be more user friendly to the recent technologies. Furthermore, this will allow students to have an overall view on a particular work only by viewing others opinion found in the digital library. This will motivate the students to give their best level in their work, since it can be viewed by anyone.
    However, it may have some adverse effect concerning the digital library. There may be the problem of copying the work of another student and just “copy paste”. But still, digital library has proven to be of great use to students since it store all their work exercises and allow them to make “references”.

  86. Dear Aurelie S, I agree with what you have said when you commented on the VCILT showcase student’s work. Personally, it helps me a lot to post my comment when after reading what other friends have posted.

  87. Showcasing the works of students is indeed a good initiative. This will give a direction to those who are new to the subject and indisputably provide scope for improvements. The General Elective Module on Educational Technology allows students from other courses to develop their creativity and originality and avoid being too bookish. Showcasing the works of students will be a way to reward them for their effort and dedication.

  88. Melissa gave an in depth view of what are the advantages of showcasing the works of students. This certainly contrasts the digital library to our traditional library. And I personally believe that we should be in line with technology now. And Ravi Luckhun pointed out that the works published can be made copyright. Indeed this is one of the possible ways to avoid copying. However I do believe that the VCILT has numerous ways to counter attack cases of plagiarism.

  89. I do not agree with Samina as I think it will be more difficult to find the right information. The digital library will contain a large amount of information and loading these pages will take a lot of time. According to me, a digital library cannot replace the environment of a traditional library. It is easier to read a book rather than reading it on a computer screen.

  90. Deepsheekha Ramharai24 October 2011 at 20:34

    Introducing the digital library will be useful to students especially for the newcomers. They will be able to view the works of the undergraduate students and can improve their work. This will also help students to develop new thinking skills. It is also an advantage to the newcomers, they will get a better idea about how to proceed with assignments. Instead of wasting time searching in books, students can have access to the digital library where they can find the appropriate notes or topic that they need.

  91. As highlighted in the article itself, instead that the student’s work is kept in a CD-ROM to get later destroyed, the creation of an online library system is much better.
    Not only the work of student and tutors will be honored, also the data posted on the online library can help other students will wish to pursue further research on their colleagues work.Moreover,giving access to a large audience to the digital library, the works published can be analysed by many,criticized,corrected to create a better output.

    However, the problem will arise is the problem of ‘copy and paste’ among students instead of one making his personal effort. In addition its easier to read a book in hardcopy than reading the same thing on a computer screen.

  92. Dear Davish,the point on saving cost on printing u highlighted,I do not think it is genuine.It is vey much easier to read a printed materials than stuffs on a digital books. Cost is not the only factor of importance but also how at ease the reader is.
    However,the point of posting unimportant and inaccurate comments can without doubt leads to confusion !

  93. i think that the VCILT has taken a good initiative in publishing student's work on-line. In the global Internet and inter-connection era we are living in, everybody will be able to have a glance at the different student's works. furthermore, in the perspective of a competitive work market, i think that this initiative will definitely create good competition between the students and hence, boost up the quality of their work delivery.
    However, the security of works delivery as well as their works "paternity" should be ensure by proper internet data transfer security schemes.
    Concerning the digital library,as pooja said, it will be very difficult for a novice user to search and find the correct source of information without a proper interface which is user friendly. however, with proper web page structure and organisation, i think it will be easier for the user to find the required piece of information. Also, i think that reading a book rather than spending much time on the internet is much better.
    To conclude i would felicitate the VCILT, which is doing a great job to perpetuate the access to knowledge ideas.

  94. Well, showcasing student’s work is a very good attempt as this encourages a student to work harder since his/her work is no longer confined on the scripts. From other point of view, the future generation could be benefitted from such attempts. Knowledge is imparted and our minds are broadening when we actually try to understand other students’ point of views, try to think and comment on their works whether agreeing or just coming up with a different concept. The digital library facilitates the students work. On just one click on an icon, all the information just appears on the screen. It is also safer compared to the CD-ROMS. From this idea of showcasing the works, our ability interacting with the internet is more developed. It gives us the tools to be more at ease with the technology services.

  95. I must say that it really a great project being implemented by the trainees to showcase the students' work in the different courses related to educational technology. First of all, many users can access the same resources simultaneously and the most exciting one is that they can have access at any time they want. It’s not like a traditional library which has an open and a close time .It may happen that a student does not need any resources from the traditional library during the opened time but after the library is closed the students need to have access to resources. This may be a disadvantage if it’s an urgent work to be completed by the students. However, the digital library is accessible at any time and students can have access without any worry. Digital library provide soft-copy of resources unlike traditional library which provide mainly hard copy which is sometimes bulky to carry.

  96. I agree with Muzaffar Ali in the context that hard work of students are exposed to others. students in the university is working very hard to achieve the best, the showcase will be a good way to pay an homage to them and even this will encourage others to follow the same track. others may get ideas of how work should be done also.

  97. This is no doubt a wonderful initiative by the VCILT as it will obviously encourage students to perform their best and it will also be possible to know the point of view of other students. Furthermore the online library will facilitate the work of students as it will enable them to easily search for information. Moreover having to interact with the computer, will help in developing their IT skills. Also it will also be less time consuming than having to go to the library and search for the required information manually. Data can be preserved for a longer period of time. The digital library allows many students to have access to the same information at the same time, which would not have been possible with a manual library.The digital library is cost effective in terms of no paper work. Therefore the implementation of the digital library is indeed a good initiative.

  98. Exhibiting worthy student work in the digital library will encourage and motivate other student to work harder and it will help them to have a point of view of their work and how the work can be improved in some other ways. I think the showcase of student work is a good concept made by Vcilt center.

  99. In this era of globalization and computerization most of the things we do manually are replaced by technology. Thus the use of digital library will be used in the near future.
    The advantages of digital libraries are numerous:
    1)Opportunity of easily and rapidly accessing books, archives and images of various types.
    2)Traditional libraries are limited by storage space; digital libraries have the potential to store much more information, simply because digital information requires very little physical space to contain it thus reducing its cost.
    3)A traditional library must spend large sums of money paying for staff, book maintenance, rent, and additional books whereas digital libraries may reduce these fees.
    4)Increased accessibility to users and availability to individuals who may not be traditional patrons of a library, due to geographic location or organizational affiliation.
    5)The user of a digital library need not to go to the library physically; people from all over the world can gain access to the same information, as long as an Internet connection is available.
    6)Information can be easily retrieved:- The user is able to use any search term (word, phrase, title, name, subject) to search the entire collection. Digital libraries can provide very user-friendly interfaces, giving quick access to its resources.
    However, one of the main disadvantage of this showcase, I suppose would be that it would lessen the research work of the learner as similar work is already present at the showcase, thus favoring data duplication and even prevent the learner from developing his research and critical thinking ability to its maximum.
    Thus, work base learning placement is a great opportunity of exposing the work of capable students by encouraging them to give their best and show their capabilities.

  100. The showcasing of student's works is a wonderful idea,having a digital library would provide more facilities to students. Everyone would be able to connect at anytime and any place, to review their works or other's works for reference about particular topics which would be really practical.

    Moreover it would help in the build up of the personalities of the students who are participating in that showcase, preventing them from being depend on lecturers or teachers, making them more confident, enabling them to understand concept and develop new skills.

    But there can be a misuse of the showcase; like some students can copy the work of the other members of that particular group.

  101. This comment has been removed by the author.

  102. I think having a digital library is something that is worth having. Digital libraries comprise of lots of benefits which serve we students. Compared to traditional libraries, Digital libraries work to promote the self-confidence of students by exposing and taking every students' work into consideration, instead og giving importance to only the best student work.
    By showcasing our works, the digital library is the best method to prompt students to succeed since their works are not being destroyed by an office machine which is used to destroy documents by cutting them into very small pieces after some time so that they cannot be read-Shredder.
    This is due to the VCILT- an online module whereby students do not have access to classrooms-based-learning and hard copy notes.
    But not forgetting, thge creation of this digital library to showcase our works also consist of disadvantages since, by exposing every students work, sometimes those works with mistakes are opened to everyone which may work to the disadvantage of students if they happen to take this particular work into consideration. Solutions should be met to correct the mistakes. VCILT is indeed encouraging as an online module learning.

  103. I think that the digital library is a very good initiative as it will facilitate access to the work of previous students who has done this module and this can be a motivation a help students who are doing this module this semester. The digital library will be available to several persons at the same time through the use of internet and this is better compared to the traditional libraries. Furthermore, showcases will promote the work which has been done before and through the use of digital library these information can be stored for long compared to CD-ROM which can be damaged with time. Hence, I think that it will be very beneficial for all.

  104. I think that the idea of building up a digital library is a good scheme as the work of students will be acknowledged and valued throughout this interface. This digital library will also let students of different faculties to share views and opinions. But more importantly, it is a good step as on one hand it is valorising the works of the students and at the other hand, it is inciting them to make more effort and to do their best while doing this module. Also, it will proved that student who cover module such as Humanities etc, can be IT-oriented( in Educational Technology) and can be as skilful as student of Computer Science( not fully) and at the end of the day, their journey to the University of Mauritius will be fruitful and very rich.

  105. @Pooja
    It is true that any virtual library cannot replace a traditional one. However, don’t you think that something is better than nothing? With the old system, all the works of the students were burnt on CD-ROMS and these CDs were thrown latter. But now even though, I totally agree with you that it will take even hours to load the different pages but all the works are still there and can be viewed.(even if we will have to wait for hours!)

  106. I think it is a very good initiative from the trainees of the VCILT. The digital library will allow the works of students to be displayed online in a database thus being much more accessible for consultation by other students at any time and any place on a wider range. Instead of being confined to CDs which are later destroyed, the hard works of the students are valued thus further encouraging its continuity. By exposing the best works of students would encourage others to work harder thus creating a competitive mindset which can boost their learning desire. But great care should be take in order to avoid plagiarism of the works, that is action should be taken against the ‘copy and paste’ of the works displayed.
    Also via educational websites like this one, tutors have a better idea of the reflective and the critical thinking of students.
    Being a BSc student I find the online database a very useful tool in research and reference to works.

  107. Well this is indeed a great idea. Each and every student will feel privileged, valued and honored regardless of his or her field of studies.By showcasing the works, it will be accessible and available to a wider range of people, though some might encounter internet constraints. It is a safer way to keep records of various students' work for a longer period of time. Other students can further have access to them anytime and anywhere as the digital library will be online. The students and tutors can share their views and opinions accordingly.

  108. @aude
    I do agree with you that this module enables students to develop their IT skills to the fullest.However it is sad to note that some might enroll for this module only to score the required credits and hence do not learn anything that is worthy at the end of the day. The creation of a digital library somehow aknowledges the work of students as you mentioned. Thus the latter do not feel that they are working in a vacuum. They are able to feel valued and are compensated for their hardwork. Though we are all from different faculties we are sharing our views and opinions. There is no such thing as a barrier limiting our sharing of knowledge and anyone can voice out his views and opinions freely. We are able to get much more fanmiliar with IT tools and so forth.

  109. I agree with what Ravi Luckhun has said on this post. It is a way for the young adults of our country to expose their views about particular topics. These showcases can as well motivate other students to produce their own works and even propose better solutions to many problems. The digital library can as well act as a ‘’Bible’’ for the next students in this General Elective Module and help them with their assessments. Also, it can be a site for open debates and having the point of views of many students.

  110. I think this is an excellent idea as it helps us to be more creative and be up-to date with the latest technologies. Also, since all lecturers are on line, it is more accessible to most students. IN addition, since all the resources are available on the site, students can make references if ever they are having difficulties. Without doubt, this is much livelier as compared to the old traditional classroom. Also we have a digital library where we can store our works.

  111. I think that the trainees from the VCILT have got a very good idea, as the digital library will greatly facilitate our work in that it will take less time than a traditional library and it would also help many students to make more effort to work when viewing the works of other students as references for their own work.
    It will be a way to develop the critical thinking skills of students and so the online database is a very good initiative.

  112. Well, I agree with Kharishma (on 22/10/2011) in saying that VCILT indeed encourages students in doing their best as their work will be posted online. Online library facilitates the search for specific information rather than going to the library to search for the information. Moreover, online data is preserved for a longer period than on CD-ROMs that are stacked on shelves and that are destroyed later. Many users can have access to the same material at the same time and interacting with a computer helps in developing one’s IT skills. However, we should not forget that not everyone has access to the Internet and sitting in front of a computer for hours can lead to back pain, headache and eye strain.

  113. Many students have chosen the General Elective Module on Educational Technology and this is really helping them to have more knowledge about how to use the computer and the services provided on the internet as a result of the assignments they have to do. So they don’t restrict learning only to the courses they are following. Moreover the VCILT is creating a digital library to make learning even easier for students. That is no need to have a lot of CD-ROM, all the information needed will be at the same place.

  114. @Pooja: I think it depends on the students really.Besides one can always print the pages one wants to peruse afterwards.Why I said it’d be easier to look for a certain piece of information is because with a digital library,it’s possible to create a search engine that would allow one to look for any particular topic or term.This is not possible with a physical library, at the most you may have a search engine to find book titles but not the content of those.

  115. According to me it is a very good work done from the part of the trainees .this digital library will turn out to be very useful to undergraduates students who can gather experiences from previous students and improve their work and abilities.

    Also tutors can easily monitor the students works ,can judge their abilities and understanding of particular subjects.

    However students should make proper use of such valuable e learning tool ,they should not involve in plagiarism copy the work of others .Instead they should take examples of these selected works which are the best one and try and do better.

  116. It is indeed a very bright idea creating a digital library ,This will promote e learning as students can have access to these notes and information whenever and anytime they want.

    The works posted would be the best as they have been selected carefully to provide undergraduates students the best work done by hardworking students.Hence it will help students to take examples of these works and encourage them to do better.

    Tutors may also monitor students work.can judge their abilities and understanding of particular modules.

    However plagiarism should be avoided ,these resources are to be used properly serving as examples for improvement.

  117. I think it is very good idea as knowing that their work will be available to be seen by others will encourages the students to give their best hoping that their work will be properly valued. Moreover it allows interaction between students as one can comment and share their views on others work which gives rise to intellectual exchanges.

  118. By creating the digital library, VCILT is giving a great importance to the hard works of the graduated students. The digital library will be of great benefits for students who do not process the IT skills and for those who wants to learn more about IT. Many students can get accessed to the same information at the same time. It will be permanent and up-to-date unlike books and CD-ROMs which will be destroyed with years; as they have a short life span.

  119. According to me VCILT is right because by showcasing student work.The students will be able to have a voice, share their learning using media that suits their learning style ,encourages creativity,allows individual reflection on learning,enables personal reflections.
    Moreover through digital library the same resources can be accessed by many student and current student can have accessed to the work or dissertations done by previous students. Digital libraries have the potential to store much more information, simply because digital information require very little physical space to contain them. As such, the cost of maintaining a digital library is much lower than that of a traditional library and are limited by storage space. A traditional library must spend large sums of money paying for staff, book maintenance, rent, and additional book. Furthermore, digitization can be very helpful to students in terms of providing easy access to more information when time is restricted, saving time and money as more information should be available for modules online and signposting relevant reading which means that there is an increased chance that student will actually read the chapters rather than to look for the book themselves

  120. Showcasing the works of the student can be very useful to the current students, since it will encourage them to work but also to prospective student who can have a foretaste of what the module is about. It will also be more easily accessible to anyone interested in this fields to get information on the topic than if it had been in a traditional library. It can act as a kind of advertising for this module and maybe it will encourage prospective students to do more than an elective module and head towards a BSc in Educational and Instructional Technology.

  121. @ sharmeen

    I find your comment very pertinent especially when you mention the drawbacks of the digital library. I personally prefer to read a hardcopy book than reading on a computer screen because my eyes gets tired when staring at a screen and plagiarism or the problem of ‘copy and paste’ as you mentioned is indeed a major concern which could be difficult to prevent.

  122. To pooja

    Well i do agree that traditional libraries are important since they from part of the times when creation like digital libraries have not been there.

    However with the advent of technologies,having a digital library would be indeed useful .It may be easier to search for a book in a library but at times when u really need a specific book and you are no where near a library then it will be difficult to obtain the information you require whereas you can have access to a digital library wherever and whenever you want via laptops.

  123. @ Vanitha
    I do not think that plagiarism here will be a bigger problem that it usually. Since everything is exposed online, I think it would be even harder for them to "copy paste" because everybody can have access to it and they can thus be caught more easily. Moreover with all the new softwares to work against plagiarism, I do not think it will be a problem here.

  124. To aude

    There is no doubt that the digital library is very useful indeed with all the resources available for different fields and modules it is very helpful for students to get an idea of how they should work and what to improve .

    However there is the a high risk of plagiarism which you have not mentioned or perhaps have not thought the digital library it is said that best works from students will be posted hence there is higher possibility of cheating ie copying others work ,this will in no way help students in improving or doing better .Instead it will be easier for some students as they would not have to do any work as the work has already been done in the best ways all they have to do is copy.

  125. I do agree to what NUHAA said it has both its pros and cons .It depends on how well we are using it which matters most .some may use it fairly well whilst others may steal data from previous works .It indeed is a blessing for both the new members and the past members to use such a system.It will not only encourage new members to join in but will also promote the work of previous students and will render public there handwork and creativity such a system will be a very good means to acquire knowledge and share views and ideas more efficiently .The library is also very advantageous for new members as it will reduce many cost(transport ) save time we can have easy access .we can also have some prior knowledge about the requirements of the course from this online show cast.Disadvantage of this however is that nowadays we only deal with things online ,the human touch to things has gone .It is a good initiative nevertheless to opt for show cast rather than just taking assignments and keeping in CDs which will eventually be damaged and destroyed with time and all the hard work . sleepless night will just vanish in a jiffy .As for the critical thinking is concerned when you are behind a screen and no one is there to monitor you how far can we 100 % claim to be as creative as we ,from our posts,appear to be.However it might also be the reverse some people are introvert and donot wish to show their creativity and skills however behind the screen they are just unbeatable

  126. This is indeed a great job being done by VCILT. By showcasing the previous works of students will surely benefit existing students who visit the blog. It is also a good way chosen to compliment the efforts made by students. However, the disadvantage is that this might give rise to data duplication. Existing students might copy others' ideas.

  127. Joanna Mootoosamy25 October 2011 at 21:35

    The digital library will surely be a very useful tool since it contains up-to-date information on which students can rely. Students from different courses, some of whom may not have studied Computer Studies, are given the opportunity to create simple educational websites. This is a way to help them develop IT skills but also critical thinking skills since they will do their best so as to create a site which is friendly and pleasant to use. Showcasing the works of students is a good way to preserve the work; CD-Roms are not suitable since they may be destroyed. Thus, students and also tutors would appreciate more the effort they gave so as to produce a better result.

  128. I fully agree with Joanna Mootoosamy that the digital library is a great help for students who have been dealing with the computer side and for others. However, direct interaction with tutors is necessary for absolute beginners as educational websites does not facilitate learning as with the direct interaction with tutors. Showcasing preserves the work of the previous students and the one coming would tend to use the information already present but would not be creative or such for more information. I fully agree that CD-Roms can be fragile but it remains the cheapest and most accesible mean to transfer information as we don't need an internet connection. Almost all computers now have an integrated CD-Roms reader.

  129. According to me the digital library is a good initiative taken by the few trainees currently on work-based learning placement at the VCILT. Since the best work will be showcased, it is a kind of reward to the hard-work of the students and the tutors who helped them in the course. The students will be more motivated to work and they will give the best of themselves. Moreover, this type of software is easily accessible. Others can go through the works and have an idea on certain topics, thus there will be sharing of knowledge. Furtheremore, information is more easily and quickly retrieved than spending time going through books. However, we should ensure that this does not encourage plagiarism.

  130. This is in my opinion a great step forward towards the uniting of computer with other fields such as science. This is a great change as this digital library will act aa reference for future students. The fact that everyone, not only Bsc but also Diploma students, are being given a chance is great way to encourage a general public.

  131. According to me,the trainees are doing an excellent job,as exposing the work of students is a reward to their hardwork.thus,it will encourage students to give their best and be an inspiration for the future students willing to develop their knowledge in educational technology.The implementation of a digital library will be better as resourceful information would not be lost or destroyed and the same information can be available to many users simultaneously.It will be easier to access anytime,at the ease of the user.

  132. I agree with Ravi Luckun. Many of our people have brilliant ideas but have few places to expose them. This may serve as a good platform to give and develop their ideas. This would further encourage them in doing better each time.

  133. Displaying students’ work onto a digital library is an incentive for the fellow students to perform their work in a more professional way. Taking into consideration the fact their fact will be displayed onto a digital library, the students will do their utmost best to submit work of good quality. In order to achieve the required quality the student will make use of all resources available so that his work is a total success. Hence, not will the quality of work be better but also the student will develop various skills. Furthermore, the tutors will get self-satisfaction since their hard-work is being valued and their students performing at their best.

  134. VCILT has indeed taken a very good initiative. Previously student work was just for a show off to lecturers just to get them their grades. But still some work was very good and they deserved to be know to others. VCILT has nowadays made it possible as the students can make their work know to the world. This in some way will motivate the students to work harder as they know their work will be viewed by many, not just the tutor. But still as many have said the risk of plagiarism might be a problem where the students might not be creative and original. I believe that the students work must be passed in some plagiarism detection software before approval for posting it online. In this way the students will thus try to be as original as possible and thus increasing the possibility of coming up with new innovative ideas in specific fields.

  135. @ vidushee
    I agree with nearly everything you said where the costs will be lower, will save time, students being more creative and having more resources available. But what about having dissertations online? Don’t you think that this can lead to laziness in some students as they can just copy and paste and only change the wordings! I believe that maybe some samples dissertation might be available for students to get an idea but I don’t think that all dissertations of students should be made available online. Many students might feel like their hard work is just being given to others and I believe that many won’t agree to have their dissertations to be made just available online for others to get it that easily.

  136. Non IT students are allowed to developed their skills of learning as well as teaching from VCILT. Doing Education technology as GEM help is very good to acquire knowledge so their work should be recorded. These work also help to use open source software which are freely available and create many things. The values of tutors and students are rewarded by their work.

  137. The digital library seems to be a good idea as it is helping the undergraduate and diploma students. Allowing them to comment on blog will make them have a critical thinking, reflective ability and they would be more open-minded. The VCILT is helping the students to unhide their talents. And this, in return will help to motivate others to do so. Thus, Mauritius is a country where education is free and, thus, people will make full use of its facilities in the educational field. Additionally, they will all work as a team to contribute to the welfare of the Mauritian society.

  138. The development of the digital library is very much beneficial for the people whichever field they are studing because the digital library will save cost ; it is not that expensive; it will save time of the students (for example, the searching for books and notes takes lots of time and the library is has a restricted storage capacity also, ie, not all books are available at the right moment). It is also very practical to carry, that is not heavy and can be used anywhere and any time. It moreover helps to decrease the use of papers and all the notes can be obtained in the digital library. There will not be any case of missing pages or incomplete notes.
    For the students of English or French or any subject in this field, introducing the educational technology is very beneficial because it will help them build in the critical thinking skills and reflective also. We should not forget that we should always reward or compensate the effort and the hard-work of people so as to encourage them to continue learning and do their level best in this way itself.

  139. To Melissa :
    You have pointed out very good points for the use of digital library than using the actual one. The points like digital library helps in terms of there will not be any missing notes, it will save space costs, building and allocation costs are to be noted very carefully. Moreover, as it will be a digital library, the student can make maximum use of it from any where and at any time of the day.
    This will make learning enjoyable and easier.

  140. Showcases allow the exposure of good undergraduate works to the whole student body. Not only does it provide for worthy examples for those with due assignments but it permits scholars to develop their sense of learning and argumentative measures. That is, it will encourage students to give their point of view on certain topics, leave comments and most important learn from those students who give effort in their work.

  141. This is a very good initiative as it wil bring lots of advantages to everyone. Actually i had also thought about it before but i never did an effort to talk about it. Now when am seeing that it is really being done, i feel glad. Educational technology has enabled many students to develop some IT skills which we did'nt have before. This initiative really makes students feel important and valued.

  142. I totally Agree with Baris (16/10/11). Undoubtedly, posting the works of students in a digital library will definitely be of great help. As Baris said, students will become more friendly with Information Technology as they will use the library more often. Baris also points out a good point that of to what extent to use the resources available in the digital library. Students should learn not to stick only to what information they are getting on the library and they must learn to make their own researches. Thereby, by merging their own research works and the resources available on the library they can produce a work of better quality. Furthermore, if they only use the library there is a risk for plagiarism. In addition, I would like to emphasize on the fact that not all students have a computer and an internet connection at home. This can be a big disadvantage for the digital library because such students will not have access to it frequently.

  143. This digital library wil have both benefits and drawbacks as Kavi Luckhun said in the previous comments. I read a comment from someone, "we are the future". This means that the drawback of student's works being copied will certainly be eliminated because of new ideas and creativity. I really feel glad to see our generation developing so much. I don't regret having taken Educational Technology as my GEM.

  144. This is a very good initiative.In my opinion,when someone invests himself fully in his work,the least we can do is to give him a little bit of recognition.This will certainly motivate him to carry on the good work but will also motivate others to do their work efficiently.Moreover,as mentioned in the article above,this course also tries to develop reflective ability and critical thinking skills,which are in my opinion,two very important skills that one must possess to be able to tackle problems on a daily basis.

  145. Well this is a good initiative since all the hard work of these people will be exposed. Their ideas would surely be beneficial as well as a good source of knowledge for us. It is more time saving when using a digital library and students can easily make references unlike with our old traditional library (but surely this does not mean that we have to stop using these kinds of libraries) but only that a digital library is in a way more opportune.
    But as Rouksar mentioned earlier, we cannot ignore the drawbacks such as plagiarism as then all the person's efforts are ruined. Also other disadvantaged would be health problems. For example, it would not be suitable for a person to sit and fix the screen for hours just to read a book.

    The diploma students will benefit from these showcases as a good source of information as well as references and also make their opinions about certain information and comments.

  146. I agree with Nusayha Jadhakhan.Those who wait for the last minute to send their work have a tendency to copy on work of others.That is,they read all the comments,extract what they think are the relevant points and summarize them.And this of course is unfair towards those who have really devoted themselves for the work.So, a way to avoid the same ideas being copied is to simply make the comments appear only after the deadline.

  147. A digital library would be very useful for demonstrating one’s talents . The trainees are establishing the first step into improving technology and ways of learning. Digital library makes locating the relevant information inside of books far more reliable and much easier as a secondary benefit. Furthermore a digital library is a very good initiative since it will have a wide audience and many students will be able to view the comments made by other students thus developing their critical thinking and make use of it in a proper manner.The online library stores all the information and can be of long termed used as one can retrieve useful information in future. One of the advantage is that the digital library is cost effective in terms of no paper work. However for me it is easier to read a book rather than reading it on a computer screen and also it will not affect my health since recent research has shown many health problem relating to the use of excessive use of a computer.

  148. Well this is a very encouraging step for the promotion of student's work.Also it will be very useful for students who wish to have useful resources concerning Educational Technology related subjetcs.Also it is very important to congratulate the Trainees who have helped in creating this project.

  149. For me, the VCILT has done a brillant job by showcasing students' work in different courses related to the educational technology.
    Not only its acts as a reward for the trainees hardwork but there are many people around the world who could benefit from it.
    As myself being a student of the course educational technology,i would prefer to refer from the digital library have already completed
    the course,rather than to go traditional libraries.The work of the previous student would act as a guide for the younger ones who are
    undertaking this course,hence a learning platform.By Showcasing their work,means the trainees had much more responsibillity and as we can see in
    the article,that during their course,their IT skills have improved.Also,having to answer the questions of members in the blog had improved their
    reflective ability as well as critical thinking skills.

  150. I very much agree with daviscmschatz who says that this is a very good initiative of the VCILT...I would go even further and add that all other modules should promote the hardwork of students by having online libraries.

  151. Showcasing the work of students motivates them to work better. This is because the students then know that their works are being shown to everyone and are compared, so they have to work better. It is also a good way to share the opinions of all the persons about a particular subject. Students will know how their friends are working thus they will all try to work harder so that they get better marks. This is an advantage compared to storing the work of students in CD-ROMs as they do not get the chance to compete with others and show their skills.
    As other students will get the chance to comment on the work of others, the person will get an idea about what is expected in the work and thus will try to improve next time to get desired and positive responses.

  152. I am lucky to have the opportunity to be part of the VCILT center as it really help in the way developing IT skills and same time motivate me to work better. It surely help more by reading others work as it enlarge our point of view. The implementation of digital library also bring some benefits such as no maintenance cost, no physical location required and we can study at any time and anywhere.

  153. Michaela Roussety26 October 2011 at 14:48

    According to me such an initiative will have a great success among the students! This will surely motivate others (me also) to invest themselves more in their work. Also the showcasing of student’s work will demonstrate openly the hidden skills of our university mates. The works provided in the digital library will inspire other students, and one big advantage is that we will all get a deeper insight of the different topics in Educational Technology, and hence help to broaden our way of thinking.

  154. Michaela Roussety26 October 2011 at 14:59

    I share the opinion of Neha to the fact that the showcasing of student’s work will be an important source of secondary data for all the students enrolling in courses related to Educational Technology. I also share the point of view that we will stop looking in one direction only and what others say will also count. Such experiences online will be very fruitful…

  155. VCILT show cases student’s work
    Well I think this is definitely a good initiative taken by the VCILT centre. Show cases is a tool in helping students to be able to develop their skills in IT and more often ability to make criticism about the direction they are leading to. Moreover having a digital library avoids scholars from wasting time by going through lots of junks on the internet in view of some relevant materials as the library would be consisting of only relevant topics; hence would be junk-free.

  156. The VCILT has done well to put forward such an inovation; that is, the development of a kind of digital library. This has many advantages, for instance, more than one individual will be able to access a particular information simultaneously. Moreover, the current learners will be able to get reference from the work of previous students which will inspire them. This project will allow more information to be stored as compared to a typical library and can be made more interesting by introducing multimedia. Nevertherless, research work of current students will reduce as they will be aware that there already exist a similar work which has been done and they will tend to copy.

  157. I totally agree with Kanen's comment about the fact that innovation should be brought out evenly, thus reducing the risks of plagiarism as many students who have worked hard would definitely like to get better marks than those who have just copied from someone.

  158. @Ravi: Plagiarism is not only limited to information that is available from digital libraries and the like,plagiarism can just as well be committed with the written word,that is a published book or article so it isn’t really a drawback of storing information in a digital library.It is upto the students to learn how to make use of the information in a mature way and not simply copy paste.

  159. Creating a digital library will indeed be a good initiative since we will not have to go to the ‘traditional’ library and pick up books which are sometimes heavy and bulky. Then the fact that only the best works will be retained is a positive point as this will motivate students to get the best out of themselves. This will create a competitive environment where everyone would want their work to be retained. It will hence ensure that the data in the digital library will simply be the best and of refined quality. Students will get opportunities to comment, thereby giving their views and eventually their thinking and criticizing ability of students will change. Hence we can say that the creation of a digital library will be very advantageous.

  160. From my point of view, the setting up of a digital library is a really good idea and it seems a feasible project. It will help students while doing their courses. The library will also act as a guide to them. Moreover, upon publishing the works of previous students, this will motivate them and make their build their own self-confidence whereby leading to better performance in the future. However, the main drawback of a digital library could be that current students will not be making the required efforts and would adopt the “copy-paste” method, without realising the great danger of Plagiarism.

  161. To “Anonyme 22 octobre 2011 08:30”
    I completely agree with the fact that “the work can remain in the digital library which is not cumbersome”. We will not face the problem of torn pages and missing notes in case of a hard copy. Also, data stored on CDs can easily be altered or deleted by third-parties. So the idea of a digital library remains a good one.

  162. According to me, the idea of digital library is a good initiative as it helps students in developing their reflective ability and their critical thinking skills. It encourages students to perform their best and to be more user-friendly with the new technologies. Online library facilitates the work of students as it enables them to search information quickly and easily. Moreover, it allows sharing of information, that is, many students can have access to the same information simultaneously. Therefore, this new concept of introducing a digital library will be useful to students.

  163. Well, i do agree with Mehzabeen that it is impossible to update traditional libraries regularly whereas this can be made possible for digital libraries. This point is quite obvious. Moreover, it is true that many students can read the same work at the same time which is not the case with a book. Furtheremore, even i think that a digital library is cheaper over a traditional one as far as maintenance is concerned and since there is no need for the payment of staff and the rent. Hence showcasing of the best work of students is a good idea!

  164. Having a digital library and a place to expose remarkable works of students is a very good initiative. The digital library comes with many advantages: high storage capacity, less space usage, information is more easily found with the use of search engine and many people can have access to the same information at the same time.
    I think that the initiation of VCILT is quite advantageous since it allows the sharing of information and point of views. However, I believe that seeing other student’s works might influence our response thus limiting the development of our critical skills.

  165. Showcasing student’s works is consider as positive as well as negative but mostly depend upon how that particular student will regard as that comments made by others. To be praise, compliment… upon his/her work is most appreciated by everyone but even good work can have clanger. This may affect the student in some ways like:
     Not willing to work hard again as fear of being criticise by others
     Thus less motivated for others students too
     Discouraging new students from participating in such activities

    However we should not forget that the VCILT is doing a great job to perpetuate the access to knowledge ideas, helping more students and promoting their works.

  166. Showcasing the previous works of the students is indeed a fine way of esteeming the works submitted. This enables the students to go over their previously completed works and have an over view of what they have achieved so far and seek for betterment, hence acquiring IT and reflective skills. The tutors also will have the courage to keep on supervising their students online, since the works of the former (the tutors) are seen to be appreciated. Showcasing the works of others can be used as reference purposes. Showcasing is way better than the traditional ways of keeping and submitting works

  167. The VCILT is trying to facilitate education and perhaps making more interesting. it is introducing a new way to learn, to work, to develop once skills using technology. without not forgetting that having as aim, to prepare students for the future.
    But not only students from the above courses are developing or will develop different skills. Others also shall, as it is something new and still improving.

  168. Reply to Mohamed:
    Showcases do have all the facts you have mentioned. The most supportive thing about your comment is that, the showcases enable the students to compare their works with the others and try to find out improvement of their own work and they consequently, can discuss about their works among themselves.

  169. Encouraging students to publish their work is certainly going to motivate them to give their best and produce a good job. People using the library would also be able to comment and compare on the works of students. Hence this will surely help for improvement in others works. The digital library will also be easily accessible to everyone. The works would also be safe and backup can also be made without much expense However, we should also take into consideration that others might take advantage of these works and go for plagiarism by copying. This may also encourage students from not going for research and limit themselves to only what is available on the library. This project should not affect the critical thinking of students negatively.

  170. it is an excellent initiative taken and this for sure would be helpful to the student for their future carriers. Each people has different thinking and instead of submitting each separately, everyone share his/her opinion is the best way to promote and learn at the same time.

  171. turning this world into a technology- based platform is what is trending out now-a-days. bringing up the concept of a digital library will boost up the achievement level as per technological wise but will also trigger much youngsters upon using it to a normal bookish one. Furthermore showcasing poses out to be an awesome initiative in 2 major ways. One element of self satisfaction and self achievement will be incurred in those whose work will be exposed in the virtual library and secondly that would definitely be a god guideline and referral system for those opting upon education technology gem course. that would be a reward for those hard works. But indeed that platform must be respected and be used fairly and efficiently as per the needs of the student upon their courses.i’ll conclude by saying that online database is long lasted and much kept safer.

  172. I support kannen raven on his comment as I believe that innovating from past work is an awesome idea, creativity and errors are plat formed upon past experience and past data. Visually and manually things can be improved not by copying but trying to better the outcome or innovating the project to a better or much attractive efficient level.

  173. I totally agree with Karishma point of view.She showed that showcasing would really help those who are new to the subject. She added that students from other courses can then develop their creativity and originality, meaning that they would not only enter the class, open their books and read but they would be more creative.

  174. This mode of education is very good as the student will be at home which means no time wasting in travelling. Furthermore, no hardcopies needed,so, no money wasting.And finally, i think that this type of digital library will have a psycological effect on the student which will encourage him to work better!!!and more important,in this mode you will get feedbacks from other peers which will make you understand better

  175. @ Elodie Wu i completely agree with elodie when she is talking about the fact that nowadays youngsters are most of the time on the web and by placing their work on the web, they will find it interesting and modern just like the way they like and this will encourage them to go through their work!!!

  176. The VCILT has taken a good decision by showcasing the work of best students. Posting the work of the student will encourage them to work harder. Also, they will be accessed by other students which might help them in forging a more constructive opinion. Hence we can say that showcasing may act as a boost for them.

  177. I totally disagree with Miss Pooja, because the digital library will be easier and quicker than traditional library, as it would be programmed to be very precise,for example if you enter a topic that you want to study, you will get information on that particular topic whereas in traditional library you have search for a book talking about that topic then you would be able to get data on that topic which is more time consuming that the digital library.

  178. I personally find that students on work-based learning placement at the VCILT are strengthening an excellent idea. Digital libraries have the potential to store more information as compared to Traditional libraries. Digital libraries are able to evolve quickly as it is not tied to a formatted, printed or distributed network. This digital library will contribute to the full-fledged development of the students. These students have raised the mystery-curtain. This project will be highly appreciated by the undergraduate students at the university. VCILT is indeed encouraging students and this will certainly give them more confidence to move forward.

  179. VCILT showcases student's work
    According to me, the digital library is a good tool for learning, So far I enjoyed doing the General Elective Module on Educational Technology owing to the fact that I could read the different comments, views, arguments and posts by users on the blog. This has enabled me to better understand the module and I could gather much information about Educational Technology from different posts. Besides, I find that the digital library has a comprehensive search facility, it is time saving, I can access it anytime suitable to me, it occupies less space, all works are being submitted by posts therefore no need to use CD which sometimes may be destroyed or lost and the most interesting thing I find is that I can share my personal opinion with many people which would have been difficult using the traditional way. It is pleasing to note that hard-work is being acknowledged, a kind of motivation to students.

  180. The digital library is a very good initiative. As technology prevails in our daily life, it is important that work in form of traditional paper reports, notes, etc can also be present online. By providing such work digitally, the emphasis is made on the vast and quick sharing of information to the majority of students. Accessing this kind of information will not be time consuming for the person and at the same time, it provides the opportunity for the participating student to acquire relevant experience in showcasing taught knowledge. This can be kept and used or showcased as often as required, for example websites can be easily consulted as often as required and will not be forgotten as it was the case previously when CD-ROMS were used.

  181. @Melissa I totally agree with's really advantageous to have a digital library as it is cost-effective. It can also carry large amount of information. Changes can be made easily. With its benefits, it shows that it is good to have a digital library where every student will get the opportunity to get access to..

  182. @ Urvashy:
    So true dear. exposing the works of students make the latter have a sense of achieving the merit of their hard work. Also, it will encourage other students to follow their steps by developing their knowledge and especially by developing IT related skills like simple educational websites. More importantly, information in the digital library can be used and accessed by other students as they are not at risk of getting lost. This will be for the betterment of other students to broaden their competence and knowledge.

  183. In today’s world, we are constantly exposed to information technology and most tasks are carried out on the computer and through online systems by students who can have access to it in most places such as cyber cafes, through wi fi network and even from their mobile phones. VCILT has put a very efficient platform to unite students and created a digital library where knowledge, information and opinions are shared by all. Much less in spent on paperwork and CDs, it is a very flexible system and easy and rapid to use. This may inspire students immensely towards learning.

  184. The creation of the digital library is a very good initiative, it is very encouraging and will prove to be very useful to all of us. Thanks to the trainees who are doing so. It is no more the time where the hardworks of students are going to be kept on cd-roms, showcases are more convenient to store the research work and efforts of students. It will be helpful in numerous ways as it is cost effective, saves time and helps to develop our skills.

  185. I totally agree with what Ravi said, apart from encouraging students, the digital library will be a platform where we can ponder on everyone's opinion, we will be able to know about everyone’s idea, their way of thinking, thus others will be able to increase their knowledge. We should always share our knowhow with others and let others benefit from it.

  186. According to me, developing a digital library is a great step of the VCILT. All work done by the students will be recorded in showcases. Almost all the work worth a lot and recording them will honour the student’s and the lecturer’s efforts. No one will appreciate that his work is kept on shelves and is then destroyed afterwards. In the online showcase, the work will be stored and can be viewed anytime. Therefore, I think that a digital library should be kept.

  187. I fully agree to what Mohamed said. Students are better able to develop certain skills in IT and they can also criticize the work of their friends. By doing so, both students will learn and they will better understand what has been given to them. I would also like to add that the students will be more motivated when their works will be showcased rather than destroyed.

  188. This is a very good initiative from the trainees. The members from different faculties at VCILT centre will be able to view and appreciate the good work of others and at the same time showcasing the hard work of the previous students will make them proud of themselves and this will act as a motivation to them to always doing their best in life.

    Also the digital library has many pros :-
    several users can access the information at the same time
    quality of the work is maintained

  189. It is indeed a great advantage for students to have a digital library. First and foremost, the digital library provides a good searching technique which will prevent students from squandering time while rummaging in loads of books. Moreover, there is no need to save each and everything from time to time, as the library is easily accessible. Indeed, the problem of having only a copy of a book is solved as student will not have to wait when the book is available, for them to use as through this digital library all students can have access to a single copy. However, since it showcase the work of students, hence this will be a tool for motivating others to work, and also when encountering problem, an ideal source of information for them. Hence this library, if used efficiently by our students, will no doubt lead to their success, due to its panoply of advantages offered.

  190. It is indeed a great advantage for students to have a digital library. First and foremost, the digital library provides a good searching technique which will prevent students from squandering time while rummaging in loads of books. Moreover, there is no need to save each and everything from time to time, as the library is easily accessible. Indeed, the problem of having only a copy of a book is solved as student will not have to wait when the book is available, for them to use as through this digital library all students can have access to a single copy. However, since it showcase the work of students, hence this will be a tool for motivating others to work, and also when encountering problem, an ideal source of information for them. Hence this library, if used efficiently by our students, will no doubt lead to their success, due to its panoply of advantages offered.

  191. Developing the digital library is good to hear from trainees. By this means students’ hard work will be published and will be accessible to all users. Their efforts will be seen and appreciated. UOM students and concerned people can access this website for information easily. For example UOM online library provide its OPAC catalogue to search books and past papers. This digital library will be indeed a must for UOM students. It can be accessed anytime and anywhere where internet is connected. The pages will be accessible to users simultaneously. Thus this technology is here to facilitate students’ research. And some students may find difficulty in reading books on computers’ screen.

  192. I agree with what Melina said the VCILT is trying to make education easier and interesting so as to encourage the use of technology to acquire knowledge. I think that the VCILT is going to change the traditional way of education by so doing will encourage new ways of thinking and of seaching information.

  193. @ urvashy
    I agree with what you said, “the same information can be available to many users simultaneously", but we must also take into consideration that this may also lead to misuse of the information of other people. Information of a particular people can be misused.

  194. The showcasing of student’s work is a great initiative as it will give students an opportunity to share their work with an audience that extends outside the classroom walls. It’s a good idea that they have done a first selection of the best work because if everyone’s work is posted on the digital library, there will no longer be rivalry among the students to do better. However, by this online showcase of the work, a lot of resources such as paper, CD-ROMs, ect will be saved. I totally agree that this will add value to the effort done by students as well as the tutors who assisted them in the course.

  195. This idea of creating a digital library is very much interesting not only because the students’ work will not go to waste but also because a digital library implies living along with this modern era where technology is almost omnipresent. Besides, most of the time, students in English, French and Psychology are not really good at working on computers. This course compels them, at a certain extent, to be more at ease when they are on computers. Moreover, giving the chance to students to create their own blog increases their creativity. They are more motivated to create something more or less good when they are noted on it and when they are given almost total freedom on the choice of their subject, that is on what the blog will be. We also notice that the digital library will consist of the best works only. So students will tend to give their best on the work they are submitting in order to have their work on the digital library. Somehow some students will face problems if they do not have a computer or internet connection at home.

  196. Reply to kovillina D
    I agree with what kovillina is saying. I think, kovillina, that you are right when you say that a digital library will be more accessible to a larger range of students or staff. Besides, I think that it is true that students will be developing new skills. They will be more at ease at using computers for example. It is also true that they will be much more motivated to work.

  197. This is a good news for me, a Digital Library can be very helpful for us (students) as search can be done more rapidly. We can save our work in Pen-Drives and use it whenever we want. We can refer to our notes when we will be in the Digital Library. We should adopt new ideas and should be more creative as this will certainly encourage us to do research work. On the other side, I can say that students may feel discourage when they see torn pages while searching notes in books as said above by Rama so it is better to accept a Digital Library where all notes will be available to all students.

  198. Introducing digital library seems to be very interesting. It is a new mean of easily and rapidly accessing certain works. Digital libraries have the potential to store much more information than traditional libraries.
    Moreover all the information will be available online; therefore it will be easier for a student to work on it without having to move out physically. This will enable them to save time and concentrate more on their assignments. In addition we can have access at any time.
    The student’s whose work are being published online will be more confident and more enthusiasm to work harder. This encourages others also to work in this trend and to perform better.

  199. Creating a virtual library proves to be a great idea for it makes information more accessible. It is a great way of integrating technology to the learning process. I believe that it is the right method to bridge education to this era of modernity. Moreover sharing one’s work and being able to consult the other’s work is a way of making learning effective for it is by the sharing of ideas that the mindset develops and that knowledge is attained. And the plus to this initiative is that it is eco-friendly for less CD-ROMs will be used and destroyed.

  200. A digital library to showcase student’s work is indeed a good initiative. This project will on one hand, encourage students to do their best and will act as a reward to hard work and on the other hand, develop the reflective and criticizing capability of students. Posting only the best works promotes competition as well as willingness to work. In addition, the digital library would comprise of up-to-date information compared to a conventional one and it is also a solution for CD-ROMs which might be destroyed later. As a result, this idea will surely add value to the effort done by the students and at the same time tutors who assisted them in the course.


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