Saturday, 28 January 2012

eXe iDevices: Editor and Tools

The iDevice Editor allows you to design your own iDevices.'

Edit Drop-down Menu

The Edit drop-down allows you to edit an existing iDevice or create a new iDevice.  Note that not all iDevices can be edited, but only those with simple functionality are editable.

Text Line

Add a single text line field

Text Box

Add text box field. This will allow multiple lines of text


Add a feedback box that is activated with a show hide button

iDevice Editor Actions Pane

The Actions pane provides a range of editing functionality.

Preview Button

The preview button allows you to preview the layout of the iDevice. Selecting preview displays the field items chosen with any tips, hints and labels assigned. In preview mode the preview button changes to Edit. Clicking on Edit returns you to the edit mode where you can continue to edit the iDevice.

Cancel Button

The cancel button is used with existing iDevices and cancels any change made in the current editing instance. All the original fields remain only fields added in this new editing instance will be cancelled.

Delete Button

The delete button removes the selected iDevice from the iDevice list.

Save Button

The save button saves changes to existing iDevices.

Import iDevice Button

The import button allows you to import an iDevice someone has exported for you.

Export iDevice Button

The export button allows you to export the newly created iDevice in a format that can be shared with other resource developers.


The quit button exits the iDevice editor.

Creating an iDevice

To create an iDevice

1. Select Tools from the toolbar menu and select iDevice Editor. The iDevice editor window will open.

2. Enter the device name, author name, and the purpose for the iDevice.

3. Enter any pedagogical help you might give to other users on how you see the device being used.

4. Select the type of emphasis you want to place on the content entered with this iDevice. ‘No emphasis’ means that the content will display as plain text, ‘Some emphasis’ differentiates the text slight and ‘Strong emphasis’ highlights the text. By selecting emphasis you will be presented with an icon menu. Click on an icon to attach it to your iDevice. This icon will appear alongside the iDevice title.

5. The next step is to build your iDevice by selecting the elements you want to appear in your iDevice. The Add Text Field button provides you with a single line input field. The Add Text Area button gives you a multiple line input field. You can also add a Feedback field (similar to the Case Study iDevice).

6. Give each element a label and provide instructions on using each one.

7. Click Save. The new iDevice will appear in the iDevices Pane. This iDevice now behaves in the same manner as the other iDevices.

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